Pyrite thumbnail


By LeafyLuigi
Version: 0.2.6
Updated: 11/07/2024 09:55:31
Downloads: 361,278
Pyrite for BetterDiscord

Pyrite Theme

Pyrite is a Discord Theme inspired by ClearVision and is built off the core of a stale branch.

Due to the differences between Canary, PTB and Stable as well as Discord Experiments you might not have an area themed. Speak up for it on the Support Server and someone will fix it up for you.

Pyrite is supported on BetterDiscord, Vencord and BeautifulDiscord. Other CSS Injectors should work.

Replugged plugin support has since been dropped but you can still use the theme once converted into a .asar file. You can do so on Replugged's theme converter.


The below screenshots may not be up to date as Discord changes things constantly. Both the Border Radius/Radical Status and the User Modal Layout addons were enabled.

profile main

Default Images & Licensing:

Fleur Jaune (Yellow Flower) Background is from Wikimedia, uploaded by and created by user Huangdan2060 is licensed under CC0 1.0 Universal Public Domain. The image is scaled down to 1920x1440 using GIMP's Cubic interpolation. Home Icon was created by Leon Brooks and published under CC0 1.0 Universal Public Domain. The image has been scaled down to 256x192 using GIMP's Cubic interpolation and had its brightness and contrast increased by 25% each.

Océan Bleu (Blue Ocean) Background is from Pexels, uploaded by user Josh Sorenson and is licensed under Pexel's License. The image has been scaled down to 1920x1280 using GIMP's Cubic interpolation and is hosted as a PNG. Home Icon is from Pexels, uploaded by user Chris Munnik and is licensed under Pexel's License. The image has been scaled down to 288x192 using GIMP's Cubic interpolation and is hosted as a PNG.

Synthwave Orange Background is titled "Synthscape (4k)" and is by AxiomDesign and is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 3.0. Home Icon is titled "Sunset nature 24" and is by bouzid27 and is licensed under CC BY-NC 3.0. Both images are rehosted as .pngs under my own page with the latter being scaled down.

Coucher de Soleil Rose (Pink Sunset) Background is titled "Long Exposure Sunset at Hull, MA" and is by user Eric Moreno and is licensed under CC BY 2.0. Home Icon is titled "Cherry blossom I" and is by user Christoph Rupprecht and is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0. Both images are rehosted as .pngs and are scaled down using GIMP's Cubic interpolation to 1920x1280 and 256x192 (then being cropped to 192x192) respectively.




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customizable transparent layout