Nox thumbnail


By Zerebos
Version: 2.0.0
Updated: 08/29/2024 20:38:17
Downloads: 28,198
A theme for Discord *loosely* based on Google's Material Design Guidelines.

Nox - Download

A beautiful dark material theme for Discord. This is the rebrand and continuation of Beard's Material Design Theme which has been discontinued.

For support and to report bugs, please visit the support server.


These variables allow you to customize the theme to your preferences.

  • --nox-accent - The accent color you want for the theme. Default: #3F85FF
  • --nox-notification-color - Color for the unread indicator in guilds list. Default: #FFFFFF
  • --nox-notification-width - Width of the circle around guilds. Default: 3px
  • --nox-important-notification - Background color for mention/ping badges. Default: #F04747
  • --nox-channels-scrollbar - Set this to none to remove the scrollbar in the channel list.
  • --nox-settings-scrollbar - Set this to none to remove the scrollbar in settings.
  • --nox-settings-time - Length of the animation to open settings. Default: 500ms
  • --nox-level1 - One of the main grays used throughout the theme. Default: #303030
  • --nox-level2 - One of the main grays used throughout the theme. Default: #212121
  • --nox-level3 - One of the main grays used throughout the theme. Default: #141414


Addons are currently non-working but may be added back eventually. There are a number of addons and customizations available for the theme that can be found on the support server.


Main Chat

Main Chat

User Popout

User Popout User Popout with Nitro Theme

User Profile

User Profile User Profile with Nitro Theme

Status Picker

Status Picker




User avatar


flat layout dark black